Ancient Indian school of Vastu, believed enjoyed by Slavs, and Buddhist monks, have adopted elements of it and  took them to China, formed into base of the Vastu Feng Shui.

Basic advice on Vastu:
Houses should not collect dust.

It is very important to  keep clear in front of the apartment or house. If you have something dumped at the door, it makes difficult to enter positive energy into the house .
Keep your house clean. Dirt and dust in your home clogs up your thoughts, and suddenly you noticed that the husband starts yelling, or angry wife, children have become rebellious.

Do not keep unnecessary things in your home. Of course, you need to take care of family or religious relics. But in other cases, old things collect a lot of negative energy. It is necessary to get rid of things that belonged to a person who was ill and died.
Throw away old things, they have the energy of Saturn and this planet is the personification of loneliness, unhappiness and problems. 
It is believed that old things in the house stopping from entering a new energy. For example, if you have a wardrobe packed full of old and unfashionable clothes that you do not wear any longer, then you are closing yourself energy access. The universe seems to be saying: "Why do you want to make a new dress? You’ve got it all ! "And you really start to earn less. The best thing - just give your stuff to those who need it. If a woman marries a second time, she needs to throw away the clothes in which she was dating other men. This is especially true of underwear, and...... bed linens. Because all this things has collected a strange energy, and on a subconscious level, a man will feel it. It is believed that the old stuff left over from the previous marriage, destroying a new family. If you were seriously ill, and illness was a threat to life, after recovery you should get rid of the clothes in which you were sick, and bed linens, on which you were asleep. But there are times when you can and need to store old clothes. For example, a woman living in a happy marriage, and she has a dress that is associated with pleasant moments. This dress can be protected and then even pass to her daughter, because it carries positive energy.
Without regret throw away broken and ugly things.

Houses should not have man-made materials - polyesters, synthetic fabrics.
 Do not buy an artificial flowers: it is believed that they are taking away the positive energy and bringing poverty. They may be used only for the funerals.
Paintings that hang in our houses, has to be choose very carefully: nothing that is associated with death, with sadness. 
Do not hang on the wall inharmonious patterns. It is best to power your home with the beautiful scenery, flowers, paintings with a spiritual meaning. Teens love to decorate their rooms with posters favorite musicians and actors. Meanwhile, images of half-naked women or men with aggressive and violent personalities are very harmful, because the pictures affect our subconscious.

Make sure that your home is always nice and cozy. Elegant, beautiful things from natural materials brought into the house energy of Venus, which is necessary for a happy marriage, and material prosperity. If the situation at home is too simple and minimalistic, then the man, at some point, getting a subconscious attraction to other women because he needed the energy of love and comfort!

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